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Rigby Middle School Student Council


What is Student Council?

Our Student Council is the organization responsible for leading the student body in school and community activities. STUCO members choose to be involved in this organization because they want to make a difference at our school!

When do we meet?

There are large group meetings once a month before/after school. These meetings are MANDATORY and they are for everyone in STUCO! Executive Board (President, VP, Secretary, Committee Chairs) meet 1-2 additional times a month. There are various other times during the year where ALL MEMBERS meet with your assigned committee to plan events, decorate the school, paint signs, etc. These other meetings happen during the school day (before/after school, FLEX, and/or lunch).

How can YOU get involved with Student Council?

Fill out the attached application and hand in to Mrs. Hennefer (rm. 1) or Mr. Hodges (rm. 64) NO LATER than Friday 9/4. All incoming applicants who meet the deadline and show serious leadership potential in their application will be a part of the 2020-2021 Student Council. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.

How will Student Council be set up this year?

Executive Board: The Executive Board which will consist of the following positions

President     Vice-President     Secretary     Historian




Every STUCO member must commit to serving on one Committee. You will rank your preferences for the committee that you would like to serve on, but getting your first choice isn’t guaranteed. Read the attached sheet for descriptions of each committee. Each committee will have 1-2 chair people, and these chair people are responsible for brainstorming activities for their committee AND making plans to promote and carry out these ideas.


Leadership within the Committees:

· Community Committee Chairperson

· Spirit Social Committee Chairperson



President – Attend and lead all meetings

– Prepare an agenda for each meeting

– Give assistance, guidance, and praise

– Act as a facilitator during discussion

– Maintain frequent contact with advisor

– Work with advisor on all planning

– Participate in student council sponsored activities/events

– Do all announcements with VP



– Attend all meetings

– Work closely with the President

– Assume President’s duties when needed

– Work with President in preparing the calendar

– Assist the President in preparing meeting agendas

– Maintain frequent contact with all Committee Chairpersons

– Do all announcements with President


– Attend all meetings

– Keep an account of meetings from every minute; type and submit to advisor

– Keep an accurate account of attendance at every meeting

– Responsible for “thank you” cards


– Attend all meetings

– Track and document STUCO activities (ex. Photograph events and STUCO involvement)

– Keep a memory book for STUCO members

– Coordinate with Technology teacher to share upcoming events or information to be reported on STUCO website

Committee Chairperson

– Attend all STUCO and committee meetings

– Report the needs of the Executive Committee

– Organize ideas from Committee for activities/events

– Coordinate with Committee members and assign tasks/jobs

– Report to advisor about progress or concerns to ensure completion of tasked committee needs


Committee Member

– Attend all meetings STUCO and committee meetings

– Contribute to ideas and ways to complete tasked committee activities/events

– Complete all assigned jobs/tasks

– Report to Committee Chairperson




2020-2021 Student Council Application